Over the past 5-6 months, I have had more and more sessions dealing with children, from the age of 4 and above, where the focus is often how to strenghten and support their self-esteem.
These children are often being labelled as immature in classrooms and in interactions with peers. This often by the same people, that should be the last to make them feel labeled or misfitted.
Unfortunately, todays societies and institutions are still not to the needed level of understanding and coping with children outside, what society sees as the norm. We have come a long way with various diagnosis charts. But we still have a lot to do in acknowledging the emphatic, sensitive and intuitive strengths, without gifting them any diagnostic.
In general, society has a tendency to quickly label those who are different from what is considered "normal". The key point being, they are judged by what they do (act and react) and not seen through the bigger lens of who they are deep down.
This could be anything from someone who talks back to the authorities, who acts with lack of judgment or impulsively - seen from the eyes of logic. Or even someone who adresses situation from a different angle than majority, or maybe just is not interested In what is expected of their age.
You see, all these children, that are being labelled as different, are often highly intuitive, sensitive and emphatic children. Meaning that they opperate less from the human conditioning, social constuct and teachings, but rather from their higher consciousness and soul.
In other words, they are more connected to a soulful world perception than a human conditioned one. This will currently always create an issue. Since our societies are humanly designed, and rely more on the logical perspective, enhancing evidence-based teachings and experiences, etc.
This created by the general human level of logical thinking, rather than being built on the understanding and enhancement of the power of intuitive and emphatically skills, we humans also posses.
Intuitive and sensitive children are more atune to their surroundings and will be more easily overwhelmed by the environment around them. They may also
have a hard time picking up on social cues set up by the human conditioning, which then cause them to appear immature in their behaviour.
Thus, leading to misunderstandings and make it difficult for them to understand why they're being punished or disciplined when they don’t understand what they did wrong. As they only acted and reacted on the underlying energies, and not the human logic.
They also might find it difficult to see people’s outer thoughts and feelings, since they're so attuned to the environment around them and the inner emotions, thoughts and feelings of a person. Thus, it all becomes overwhelming, which again can lead to misunderstandings with others. Especially, if people are not being true to their own inner emotions.
Why, the sensitivity to nuances of these children is often mistaken for immaturity, but they just have a different way of perceiving things.
How can Parents Help their Highly Sensitive kids with emotionally Immature Behaviours?
There are many benefits to being highly intuitive and sensitive - such as creativity and empathy - but there can also arise challenges, like having higher levels of anxiety or even depression. Why it is important to not jump to conclusions.
Parents should understand that a highly intuitive child isn't to be defined through the human social dimensions. Why no normative psychological and pedagogical theories and tools are enough.
These intuitive and sensitive children have a different way of perceiving the world and they are more emotional than other kids. Why it's most important that you sit with your child in silence and start observing them, in order to identify what are specifically signs allocated your child.
Parents should be aware of their child’s needs and help them develop coping mechanisms. One such mechanism is to teach them how to regulate their intuitive skills in a healthy way. And maybe even seek likeminded through peers and strengthening courses, so their child can mirror themselves in other intuitive children.
Parents should also focus less on how they can make their children fit into the norm or boxes of society. But rather educate themselves on what it means to be highly intuitive and sensitive, and advocate it.
The focus not being on the intuitive and sensitive child being "the problem", but on the society needing more perspectives and tools to embrase these highly intuitive children.
What are the Benefits of Having a Highly Intuitive and Emotional Child?
Highly intuitive children have a higher emotional intelligence than their peers.
They can pick up on the underlying feelings of those around them and understand how to react accordingly. They also have a deep understanding of what is happening in the world around them because they are so tuned into their surroundings.
Highly intuitive and sensitive children also have an increased ability to be introspective (when shown how), which helps them empathise with others and themselves. This is beneficial as it allows for greater self-awareness and better communication skills with others as they grow into adults.
In conclusion, highly intuitive and sensitive children are NOT immature. They will often have a more pronounced and higher emotional intelligence, hence being more mature than theirs peers.
But the highly intuitive child can often have immature behavioural reactions in situations, where they are not met accordantly to their needs. It's their surroundings, such as the parents, the caretakers, the authorities that ought to get their perspectives broadend and tested, alongside with new skills to corelate to these skilful children and meet their needs.
Yet, it's not as much about if a highly intuitive and sensitive child or someone else is immature or having an immature reaction.
But rather about how we word it, and our personal ability to deal with others different that ourselves. And NOT generaly judge by the act or react, but by the individual.
It's important to become more conscious of our own immature behavioural patterns that comes with lack of knowledge. We ourselves should not be so quick to judge other people and their circumstances in life. And especially as authorities in children lives, where we are counted on as the caretakers of this next generation.
Instead we owe the children, ourselves and our society in general, to continuously expand our perspectives on the various omdbinaitons of being a human and soul in one.